Our Much Loved Campbell Coast has a new owner and will continue to bring you amazing Artists work and good times!

Statue of Bjoy by Silas Merlin

If you Know Bjoy & Doc or have been to Campbell Coast you have experienced generosity and such warm souls. Bjoy is dealing with some rough times due to her illness and unfortunately had to sell Campbell Coast. I hope she finds the time to rest and recover and comes back refreshed. She said she will pop in soon!

Winning, the gentleman who bought Campbell Coast is into continuing the Community and vibe. Winning has been part of Campbell Coast for the past 8 months and thankfully is committed to the beatification of mainland too! Kitty Mills will continue to build our beautiful mainland. There may be a few changes but the community and idea will continue. Yay!!

Bijoux a friend and CC member bought the Pier area and intends on keeping it part of Campbelll coast as well. She hosts shops and beautiful green space as well as a rezz zone with sailing all over linden waters.


I am continuing to facilitate the Artists at Campbell Coast Village happily!!

Wishing Bjoy the best and hoping to see her soon as well as being excited that Campbell Coast will continue!

Campbell Coast. Breakfast with Champions!
Photo AT Artists Bar by Suzen Juel

Much Love Owl!

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